The Caucasus Research Resource Centers program (CRRC) is a network of resource and training centers established in the South Caucasus with the goal of strengthening social science research and public policy analysis in the South Caucasus. A partnership between the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), the program’s outcomes are to increase the accessibility of high-quality research resources, to strengthen capacity and, to increase the dialogue and collaboration between social science researchers and policy practitioners.
The Center in Azerbaijan has the library with more than 1500 publications and the subscription to 40 international journals, IT Lab with access to international social science databases and other online resources. Other activities of the Center include organization of the training on social science research methodology and lectures on various public policy issues. Since 2004 the Center has launched Research Publication Fellowship program which is aimed at developing local research capacity through the support of outstanding researchers interested in pursuing research in economics, sociology, demography and other social science related fields. Since 2005 CRRC is implementing the Data Initiative project, an annual household survey that collects data on a wide range of demographic, social and economic issues.