Baku IdeaLab is a program of IdeaLab LLC implemented in collaboration with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Azerbaijan and supported by the Government Offices of Sweden. The main goal of Baku IdeaLab is to create a better environment for youth-led initiatives that have a strong social impact component. The Lab does so by strengthening the capacity of existing initiatives and supporting the establishment of new ones, by stimulating networking among initiatives, and by promoting the work of youth initiatives among Baku residents. Members of youth-led civic initiatives that joined the Lab Network can access meeting and office space, participate in training programs, hold their events at the Lab, receive individual consultations, and apply for small scale seed funds.
In addition to supporting youth initiatives, Baku IdeaLab aspires to build a broader community of young, talented, and socially conscious Bakuvians who do not sit and wait for positive change to come – they lead the positive change themselves! The Lab functions as a combination of: community– a network of socially minded young people and their supporters, space– a collaborative office space and venue for events and meetings, and content– public and targeted programs, lectures, and events designed to support positive change in the city.