» EU project is organizing visits to agri-tourism destinations in the southern region.

Cənubi Qafqazda qrant təşkilatçılığı və proqram idarəçiliyi sahəsində tanınmış lider olan Avrasiya Əməkdaşlıq Fondunun veb səhifəsinə xoş gəlmisiniz. AƏF, regionda fəaliyyətlərini genişləndirməyə imkan verən proqramları, ideyaları, struktur və ekspertizası kimi başlıca resursları ilə Avrasiya Fondu (AF) Şəbəkəsinin üzvüdür

EU project İs organİzİng vİsİts to agrİ-tourİsm destİnatİons İn the southern regİon.

Within the framework of the “AgriVision” project funded by the European Union and implemented by Eurasia Partnership Foundation and “Constitution” Research Foundation, “Open Farm Days” – free-of-charge trips will be organized to agri-tourism destinations located in Lankaran, Astara and Lerik regions on July 22, 23 and 24. Transportation, entrance to tourism destinations and tea break expenses are covered by the project.

“Open Farm Days” will promote the concept of agri-tourism and tourism destinations involved in the project among local tourists, strengthen the connection between urban and rural communities, and provide an opportunity for participating farms to test new and/or improved tourism services. Visitors will be able to participate in various activities such as farm tours, presentations, tasting of products made from local foods, familiarization with village life, master classes and purchase of fresh products.

The trips will be organized for one day on the mentioned dates. The buses intended for the trip will depart from Nizami metro station in Baku at 08:00 on July 22, 23 and 24, respectively, and will return in the evening. One participant has one chance to visit only one farm. Visits will be organized to tourism destinations such as, “Citrus Valley” in Lankaran region, “Safali Gol” in Lerik region and “Yashil Gol” located in Astara region.

For more information, you can write to the social media accounts of Eurasian Partnership Foundation and “Yashil Obalar” umbrella brand, or call the office number – 012 492 57 26 every weekday from 10:00 to 18:00. Interested people will be given detailed information about the travel schedule.

Those wishing to go to the tourism destinations are required to fill out the application form by July 20: https://bit.ly/3aFeWC6

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EU project organized visits to agri-tourism destinations in the southern region.

Within the framework of the “AgriVision” project funded by the European Union and implemented by Eurasia Partnership Foundation and “Constitution” Research Foundation, “Open Farm Days” – free-of-charge trips organized to agri-tourism destinations located in Lankaran, Astara, and Lerik regions on July 22, 23 and 24. Transportation, entrance to tourism destinations, and tea break expenses were […]

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