In framework of “AgriVision” project, which is implemented by Eurasia Partnership Foundation and the “Constitution” Researches Foundation with the financial support of the European Union, meetings were held between the owners of selected agro / eco-tourism destinations from Lankaran economic region and experts in the relevant field.
During the two-day meetings, tourism experts, including one local and one foreign expert, met with the owners of small and medium-sized farms and agricultural enterprises located in the project area, and during these meetings the participation of another local expert was also provided online. At the meetings held in Lankaran city, the experts informed the entrepreneurs about the assessment of their farms, evaluated the current situation, and pointed out the shortcomings in terms of both service and conditions. It should be noted that the expert assessments were carried out on the basis of feedback obtained from visits to selected tourist destinations in February with the participation of private tour operators and the assessment criteria developed.
In general, within the framework of the project, by taking into account the rules of the special quarantine regime the experts made several business trips to the Lankaran economic region whenever possible, held meetings with both entrepreneurs and their employees, as well as local public and private providers operating in the relevant field. During these recent meetings, the experts were interested in the needs, goals of tourist destinations and relevant issues, and gave their suggestions and contributions to the formation of their development strategies.
As a result of expert meetings and assessments, the training and skills needs of tourism destinations have been identified, which will be used by trainers and other professionals in capacity building activities in the near future.
“Bakı Münaqişə Məktəbi 2024”-ə yeni qəbul başladı
Avrasiya Əməkdaşlıq Fondu (AƏF) gənclər üçün “Bakı Münaqişə Məktəbi”nə qəbul elan edir. “Bakı Münaqişə Məktəbi”nin məqsədi Azərbaycan gənclərinin münaqişə və sülh sahəsində bilik və bacarıqlarını artırmaq və beləliklə də, müxtəlif beynəlxalq platformalardakı müzakirələrdə uğurla iştirak edə biləcək yeni nəslin formalaşmasına töhfə verməkdir. Məktəbin proqramı Azərbaycan dilində keçiriləcək. “Bakı Münaqişə Məktəbi” müxtəlif mövzularda akademik və praktik sessiyalardan […]
Eurasia Partnership Foundation’s (EPF) mission is to empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity through hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and their own lives. With locally registered office in Azerbaijan, EPF is the legacy institution of Eurasia Foundation (EF), a privately managed non-profit organization established in 1992 to deliver seed capital to emerging civil society […]
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